Capital Market Experts Network

ISEEE – International Stock Exchange Executives Emeriti

ISEEE Issues the 2011 Orlando Declaration calling for Capital Market Reforms

Click here to read the 2011 Orlando Declaration.

ISEEE held the 2011 Annual Meeting in Orlando, Florida, USA

Read a summary of the meeting here and the agenda here.

ISEEE member and demutualization pioneer Bengt Rydén is designated for the 2010 WFE Award for Excellence

Read the World Federation of Exchanges press release here.

ISEEE Issues Declaration Announcing ‘Small Business Financing Crisis (SBFC) Task Force’

The declaration also conclude that the 11 actions set out in our ‘2009 Orlando Declaration’ are still needed to strengthen market integrity and restore investor confidence and trust.

Read the entire 2010 Orlando Declaration here.

ISEEE files a ‘Comment Letter on the US SECs Concept Release on Equity Market Structure’

The comments are divided into three categories, namely:

  1. Capital Formation (The Detrimental Impact of Market Structure)
  2. Market Regulation, Oversight and Transparency
  3. Market Quality: Large vs. Small Capitalization Stocks and Investors.

Read the entire Comment Letter here.

ISEEE Issues Declaration Announcing ‘Eleven Actions for Balanced Reform Needed to Drive Global Financial Market Recovery’

Called the “Orlando Declaration”, these reform initiatives are the product of extensive discussion among ISEEE members, a group of current and former international stock exchange executives with decades of leadership experience in global financial markets, at their recent annual meeting in Orlando, Florida, USA.

These recommended actions cover a broad spectrum of capital market issues, including such areas as:  governance issues; regulatory independence; remuneration and incentives for financial executives; responsibilities of regulators and government policy makers; transparency; clarity and accuracy of descriptive language for financial markets; national government oversight of financial risk assessment; deposit protection; and open, explicit government policy.

Read the entire 2009 Orlando Declaration here and read the Press Release here.